Love Tales, part I – The Planet of Spring

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Who even writes love poetry these days? It’s dusty and dated, like a scene from “Great Expectations”. Well, I happened to like “Great Expectations”, moth, obsessions, decade long secrets and all, therefore I enjoy the encapsulated feels love poetry is about. The tone of it is given by the particular shade of love one is experiencing when inspired to write – curiosity, enthusiasm, wonder, amusement, discovery, hope, challenge, desire, seduction, passion, blooming happiness, longing, laughter, nostalgia, betrayal, anger, disappointment… Yes, these too are part of it, let’s not hypocritically cut them off. We get to know better because of them. Especially because of them. So, let’s enjoy the journey and be grateful for it teaches our souls to paint in vivid colours.

But first things first:

Perhaps there’s a secret timer
Hidden underneath the mind,
Independent from their wishes
And impossible to find… 💕

Or maybe, one of them is sending smoke signals of sweet, heavenly promises: I’d sing you a song if I had singing voice
I’d take you through time to my favourite home
I’ll dance you with joy for you made the right choice
Let this old vinyl play in our love guarded dome.

I should say it was, indeed, raining for hours when I decided, with the words above, that romance is the answer. Also, I can do better.  I’ve never been a morning person, but luckily, I do have an optimism preset, which is triggered easily by caffeine.

Good morning, love
How is your coffee?
Steaming I hope
And strong and bitter
“The taste of life”, you wink at me
“No need to add the glitter.”
You like it black
Keeps you on point
I go for sweet
It gives me hope.
“You’re such a child”,
You smile, amused
Sparkle in eyes,
“But you’re excused.” .

After a while, she stopped going for sweet and now takes the coffee as black as God originally intended.

See? This is why you have to write it down when you feel it, so that later on, the cynical and so-much-wiser version of you will have something to smile about. Like that time when coffee came with pancakes and a side of waves.

On Saturday morning we went to the beach
I wanted to sleep late, but you were a peach
Made coffee and pancakes with strawberry jam 😋
I got out of bed and into the program. 😉

For this particular experience, I tell you, it’s worth tapping into the mystery (keep in mind, you get pancakes in the process.)

I often wonder what will be
If I unleash my one true power
Let it caress the face of Earth
And bring you back that childish laughter.

Isn’t this precious? I want to go live on the planet where this vibe is the all-year-round climate. Must be the planet of spring.  


