Focused Like a Mad Scientist

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Last week, I was on my way to meet Carin, then Lili. I was late and tired from an enormous piece of luggage I carried. A trip to Europe would have taken less packaging. I was just going to pay a visit and have a coffee later. Why was I carrying my house then?
I reflected upon the irony of the situation. To get together the basics of a blog which, among other things, is aimed towards the concept of style, I sometimes needed to be out of time, out of pace and maybe a little out of my mind. Being a somewhat crazed perfectionist, I wanted to gather enough materials for a decent start. This meant lots of photo sessions I wanted to make the best of, so there were times when I carried around several outfits when visiting / lunching / brunching or having coffee with my friends. How hard was it really to take a few pictures? Plus, a lot of fun. Indeed, it was. My friends enjoyed taking the pictures and I enjoyed being my own assistant in this brave new project. To speed things up, I went as far as trying to make it work without the photographer. Which went fine, the camera has a self shooting setting, only… it had to sit on a flat surface, at a certain level (approximately 1,60 meters). Good luck finding it, Mel! I spent hours looking for the required surface, calculating height versus sunlight, focused as a mad scientist. The surfaces were hard to find, so eventually I had to come up with a different solution. When I found myself looking at electric panels or the cemetery wall, I decided it was time to invest in a tripod…



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Cat in the Window – Vitrina cu pisică
Focused Like a Mad Scientist